Our mission is to provide a large database of quiz and trivia question.

The content will be provided via API in different ways.

Read our story

The Questions

We provide the question in different languages. In the first step english and german content will be provided.


The Access

The question can be accessed by HTTP REST API in the future.

Partner Projects

Dedicated to quality and your success

quizdb.eu195.30.84.166{ "data": [ { "id": "10", "question": "Which is the innermost planet in the solar system?", "answer1": "Mercury", "answer2": "Saturn", "answer3": "Mars", "answer4": "Venus", "correct": "1", "categories": "Solar System", "language": "en", "difficulty": "6", "category_id": ";1301;", "info": "", "created": "2024-03-21 18:05:43" } ], "count": 1 }